Monday, May 3, 2010

That Can't be Low Calorie!!

Well since I didn't give you the picture of the finished stuffed breast of veal, I will share with you a fabulous, low calorie and low sugar dessert!

Necessity and a lack of time are a pretty good motivator for invention and experimentation. On a very busy day (is there any other kind?) I got a call that I needed to bring a dessert to temple that night. I was already careening down the aisles of the supermarket trying to beat all the weekend shoppers and so made a mad dash through the bakery section. Oh how I hate store bought baked goods loaded with chemicals!! Read the labels sometime and you will think twice about even buying bread! So I grabbed an Angel food cake and made a dash to the baking aisle for some sugar free vanilla pudding and a bag of coconut. I made a frantic turn through the frozen foods and grabbed a container of frozen non-dairy whipped topping, aka Cool-Whip, and a half gallon of skim milk. Let me digress a moment...Cool Whip only has like 15 calories per serving to start with so who comes up with Fat-free Cool Whip or reduced calorie Cool Whip? And is this really a necessity? Are those 3 calories really going to get you anywhere?

Ok, back to dessert. As we headed out the door of the house, I realized my bananas were at their peak and I was too busy to bake banana bread. I grabbed the bananas, Angel Food cake, Cool-whip, milk, pudding and coconut. My brain was on overload and now I was thinking like those chefs on Chopped. I have a handful of ingredients and what do I make?

Make the pudding using only 1 1/2c. of milk. Just pour the milk and pudding mix in a container, snap on the lid and shake for 5 minutes. Let it stand while you get the cake ready. Cut the Angel food cake in 3 layers. Put the bottom layer on a platter. Get your pudding and fold it into the Cool whip using a large bowl. (FOLD! DO NOT STIR!) Now, take some of the Cool Whip mixture and just plop it on the first layer of cake and spread it around. Slice ripe banana all over the top and sprinkle with coconut. Add the next layer of cake. More Cool Whip mixture, bananas and coconut. You should be looking delicious and sloppy by now. Top it with the last layer of cake. Cover liberally with the Cool Whip mixture (and you'll still probably have some left over to eat later!) and cover liberally with just the coconut. It looks decadent! It tastes delicious! And your girlish figure won't feel guilty!

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